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Teaching & Learning Research Initiative (TLRI)
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Whatua tū aka
Maurice M.W. Cheng
Envisioning student possible selves in science: Addressing ‘plant blindness’ through place-based education
Kay-Lee Jones, David Pomeroy, Nathan Riki and Sara Tolbert
Pāngarau unleashed: A multiple case study of de-streaming secondary mathematics
Dr Cherie Chu-Fulufiaga, Dr Martyn Reynolds
Beyond the classroom: Pacific-School partnership, leadership development and structural change
Assoc. Professor Andrew Gibbons and Associate Professor Ricardo Sosa
ACT: Advanced Computational Thinking in the New Zealand Digital Curriculum
Dr Jodie Hunter
Weaving our knowledge together: Uncovering Pasifika learners' mathematical funds of knowledge
Sasha Matthewman
Tuhia ki te Ao - Write to the natural world
Professor Missy Morton
Using narrative assessment to support secondary school teachers’ inclusive practices.
Dr Sarah Aiono, Tineka Tuala-Fata
Ko te tākaro te kauwaka e pakari ake ai te tangata framework for play in a primary school. Cultural pluralism for play-based pedagogy: Developing and implementing an indigenised framework for play in a primary school
Assoc. Professor Aaron Wilson
Investigating the effects of a T-Shaped Literacy intervention on Year 7 & 8 students’ reading and writing in subject English
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Pepe meamea in the spirit of the collective: Embedding Samoan indigenous philosophy in ECE for Samoan children under two
On2Science - Multiple affordances for learning through participation in online citizen science
Doyle and Dr Cathy Buntting
Learning From Each Other: Enhancing Pacific Education through People, Concept and Culture-focused Inquiry
Chu-Fuluifaga and Dr Martyn Reynolds
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