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Funding year:
3 years
Massey University
Post school sector
Project start date:
January 2006
Project end date:
January 2009
Principal investigator(s):
Kogi Naidoo
Research team members:
Neil Haigh, Alison Kirkness, Lindsay Neill, AUT; Sam Richardson,Gordon Suddaby, Dr Fay Patel, Duncan O’Hara, and Anna Weatherston, Massey University; Clare Churcher, Peter Gossman, Alison Kuiper, Lincoln University Sarah Stein, Terry Scott and Paul Yates
Research partners:
Massey University, in partnership with Victoria University of Wellington, University of Otago, Lincoln University, Auckland University of Technology, University of Canterbury, University of Waikato, and The University of Auckland
Project Description
The project researched evidential links between academic development and student outcomes. It focused on the support provided by academic developers in seven New Zealand universities for teachers of first-year papers and the impact this support had on student learning. Academic developers worked collaboratively with teachers to develop Teaching and Learning Enhancement Initiatives (TLEIs) intended to improve student pass rates.
Naidoo, K., Haigh, N.,Holmes A., Kuiper, A, et al Unlocking student learning: Overview.Wellington: - pdf - 644.82 KB
AUT:Case study 1 - pdf - 667.02 KB
University of Canterbury:Case study 2 - pdf - 250.07 KB
Lincoln University:Case study 3 - pdf - 697.71 KB
Massey University: Case Study 4 - pdf - 453.13 KB
Victoria University:Case Study 5 - pdf - 363.56 KB
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