School sector

Author Title Yearsort descending
Phillipa Neville-Barton The Relationship Between English Language and Mathematics Learning for Non-native Speakers 2005
Pat Street Together is better? Primary students’ and teachers’ experiences of collaborative learning online 2006
Christina Harwood Zeroing in on quality teaching: Reducing disparities by building teachers’ capacities and capabilities with respect to integrative approaches to curriculum delivery 2006
Lindsey Conner Investigating responses to diversity in a secondary environment 2006
Associate Professor Glenda Anthony Numeracy Practices and Change 2006
Tony Brown Pasifika teachers in secondary education: Issues, possibilities and strategies 2006
Associate Professor Bill Barton Mathematics Enhancement Project: professional development research 2006
Mary Hill Great expectations: Enhancing learning and strengthening teaching in primary schools with diverse student populations through action research 2006
Susan Sandretto A collaborative self-study into the development of critical-literacy practices - a pilot study 2006
Ruth G. Kane Making sense of learning at secondary school: An exploration by teachers with students 2006
Stuart McNaughton Enhanced teaching and learning of comprehension in Years 4–9: A research–practice collaboration for Mangere schools 2006
Tanya Wendt Samu Effective teaching in different cultural contexts: A comparative analysis of language, culture, and pedagogy 2006
Chris Eames Investigating teachers’ pedagogical approaches in environmental education that promote students’ action competence 2006
Dr Mike Thomas Technology use and the teaching of mathematics in the secondary classroom 2007
Tamsin Meaney Te reo tataitai: developing rich mathematical language in Maori immersion classrooms 2007
Ruth Boyask “Write-on!”: Investigations into relationships between teacher learning and student achievement through writing 2007
Donald McLean Building bilingual pedagogical content knowledge through critical action research: a pilot study 2006 2007
Chris Linsell Early algebraic thinking: links to numeracy 2007
Jude MacArthur Addressing the needs of transient students: A collaborative approach to enhance teaching and learning in an area school 2007
Stuart McNaughton Enhanced teaching and learning of comprehension in Years 5–8: Otara Schools 2007
Linda Bonne Teachers developing as researchers: teachers investigate their use of questions in mathematics 2007
Assoc. Professor Deborah Fraser The Art of the Matter: The development and extension of ways of knowing in the arts 2007
Tamsin Meaney Mathematics: She’ll be write! 2008
Trevor McDonald Developing teacher–researcher partnerships to investigate best practices: Literacy learning and teaching in content areas of the secondary school 2008
Susan Sandretto A collaborative self-study into the development and integration of critical literacy practices 2008
