All projects

Author Title Yearsort descending
Dr Mike Brown Developing a place-based approach to outdoor education in Aotearoa/New Zealand 2012
Dr Jenny Lee Understanding the pedagogy of school-based marae: A culturally responsive learning context in secondary schools 2012
Dr Chris Linsell Teaching Algebra Conceptually in Years 9 and 10 2012
Professor Mike Thomas Mathematics undergraduate teaching: Perspectives and interactions 2012
Stuart McNaughton School achievement: Why summer matters 2012
Dr Ross Notman Integrating values in the New Zealand Curriculum: Caught or taught? 2012
Dr Vince Ham Literacy learning in e-learning contexts: Mining the New Zealand action research evidence 2012
Dr Judith Duncan Active adult participation in ECE: Enhancing learning and community wellness 2012
Dr Maxine Pfannkuch "Bootstrapping" statistical inferential reasoning 2013
Dr Kirsten Petrie Every-body counts?Reimagining Health and Physical Education in Primary Schools 2013
Dr Amanda Bateman Pedagogical intersubjectivity: Teaching and learning conversations between children and teachers 2013
Dr Mark Sheehan ‘Thinking historically’: The role of NCEA research projects in motivating history students to develop disciplinary expertise 2013
John Williams Networked inquiry learning in secondary science classrooms 2013
Dr Susan Sandretto Critical multiliteracies for 'new times' 2013
Dr Mavis Haigh Making authentic and trustworthy practice-based judgements of graduating student teachers 2013
Dr Mary Hill, Dr. Lisa Smith, Dr. Bronwen Cowie, Dr. Alison Gilmore Learning to become 'assessment capable' teachers 2013
Sally Peters and Vanessa Paki Learning journeys from early childhood into school 2014
Helen Hedges Inquiring minds, meaningful responses: Children’s interests, inquiries and working theories 2014
Dr Kwok-Wing Lai Designing Knowledge Building Communities in Secondary Schools 2014
Dr Mira Peter and Anne Harlow Re-envisioning tertiary teaching and learning of difficult concepts: How “threshold concepts” afford understanding of problematic ideas. 2014
Margaret Carr Children as teachers, families as learners 2014
Dr David Lines, Dr. Chris Naughton and John Roder Move, Act, Play and Sing (MAPS): Exploring early childhood arts teaching and learning strategies and concepts through community arts interventions in Reggio Emilia centres 2014
Kathie Crocket Key competencies: How school guidance counsellors contribute to student learning 2014
Tony Hunt Higher order thinking through SOLO and e-learning 2014
Rosemary Hipkins Doing research that matters: A success story from statistics education 2014
