All projects

Author Title Yearsort descending
Professor Letitia Fickel Co-constructing a culturally and linguistically sustaining, Te Tiriti-based Ako framework for socio-emotional wellbeing in education: A collaborative project among teachers, whānau, hapū and iwi to enable a holistic approach to education 2021
Dr Andrea Milligan Contributing to change? Responding to future-focused issues through education outside the classroom. 2021
Dr Camilla Highfield and Dr Melinda Webber Mana Ūkaipō: Enhancing Māori engagement through pedagogies of connection and belonging 2021
Dr Lesley Rameka Te Whakapūmautia te mana: Enhancing Mana Through Kaitiakitanga 2022
Dr Vivienne Anderson Refugee-background students in Aotearoa: Supporting successful secondary to tertiary education transitions 2023
Dr Sally Birdsall Nurturing secondary students’ hope and agency: Educating to live in a climate-impacted world 2023
Lisa Emerson and Ken Kilpin Transforming information literacy space(s) to support student learning 2023
Professor Janet Gaffney and Dr Meg Jacobs Understand Me: Crafting Selves and Worlds in Collective Storied Conversations with Tamariki/Children, Whānau/Families, and Kaiako/Teachers 2023
Jacoba Matapo Pepe meamea in the spirit of the collective: Embedding Samoan indigenous philosophy in ECE for Samoan children under two 2023
Dr Cathal Doyle and Dr Cathy Buntting On2Science - Multiple affordances for learning through participation in online citizen science 2024
Dr Cherie Chu-Fuluifaga and Dr Martyn Reynolds Learning From Each Other: Enhancing Pacific Education through People, Concept and Culture-focused Inquiry 2024
Dr Adrian Schoone Critical moments from the education journeys of students in Alternative Education settings: Teacher inquiries for transformation 2024
Dr Sashi Sharma Using home languages as a resource to enhance statistical thinking in a multicultural classroom 2024
