All projects

Author Titlesort descending Year
Dr Jenny Ritchie and Dr Cheryl Rau Te Puawaitanga: Partnerships with tamariki and whānau in bicultural early childhood care and education 2008
Tamsin Meaney Te reo tataitai: developing rich mathematical language in Maori immersion classrooms 2007
Dr Lesley Rameka Te Whakapūmautia te mana: Enhancing Mana Through Kaitiakitanga 2022
Dr Lesley Rameka Te Whatu Kete Matauranga: Weaving Māori and Pasifika infant and toddler theory and practice in early childhood education 2017
Linda Bonne Teachers developing as researchers: teachers investigate their use of questions in mathematics 2007
Bill Barton Teachers learning mathematics: professional development research 2008
Dr Chris Linsell Teaching Algebra Conceptually in Years 9 and 10 2012
Dr Elizabeth McKinley and Dr Barbara Grant Teaching and learning in the supervision of Maori doctoral students 2009
Assoc. Professor Lexie Grudnoff Teaching for Equity: How do we do it? 2018
Terry Locke Teaching literature in the multicultural classroom 2009
Dr Mike Thomas Technology use and the teaching of mathematics in the secondary classroom 2007
Assoc. Professor Deborah Fraser The Art of the Matter: The development and extension of ways of knowing in the arts 2007
Bronwen Cowie The Classroom InSiTE Project: Understanding classroom interactions to enhance teaching and learning in science and technology in Years 1–8 2008
Associate Professor Roseanna Bourke, Massey University and Professor John O'Neill, Massey University The impact of children’s everyday learning on teaching and learning in classrooms and across schools 2018
Phillipa Neville-Barton The Relationship Between English Language and Mathematics Learning for Non-native Speakers 2005
Dr Daphne Rickson The Relationship between Participation in Singing Programmes and Student Well-Being in a Christchurch Primary School 2018
Glenda Anthony and Ruth Kane The role of initial teacher education and beginning-teacher induction in the preparation and retention of New Zealand secondary teachers 2007
Mike Thomas The transition from secondary to tertiary education in mathematics 2010
Dr Alexandra C. Gunn The Work of Teacher Educators – New Zealand 2015
Jenny Ritchie Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning 2010
Pat Street Together is better? Primary students’ and teachers’ experiences of collaborative learning online 2006
Tracey Hooker Training on the job: How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise, and respond? 2008
Lisa Emerson and Ken Kilpin Transforming information literacy space(s) to support student learning 2023
Dr Judith Duncan Under-3-year-olds in kindergarten: children’s experiences and teachers’ practices 2006
Professor Janet Gaffney and Dr Meg Jacobs Understand Me: Crafting Selves and Worlds in Collective Storied Conversations with Tamariki/Children, Whānau/Families, and Kaiako/Teachers 2023
